Who are the partners in Room for Improved Futures?
How will they contribute?
The Imaginary Republic
The Imaginary Republic looks at questions of public life and civic culture in today’s European environment, and how recent economic, social, and political unrest have led to an intensification of grass-roots initiatives, artistic activism, and forms of public commoning. The project positions itself as a creative and critical dialogue within this context, and aims to investigate strategies for creative instituting and independent social configurations. Within this framework, questions about the public good and commonwealth are brought forward, allowing for a deeper inquiry into how art may work to reconstitute public power.
Sigrids Stue
Sigrids Stue examine critically how we on our own terms, terms of the art and on terms of the citizens can create opportunities and space for common artistic action, make impact and influence under the physical, mental and identity change processes that the neighbourhood of Gellerup is undertaking. Sigrids Stue invites artists / curators to Gellerup for researching and to come to live and work in shorter and longer periods. Sigrids Stue focuses on dialogue, participation and involvement, identity creation, memory and urban development.
Trade Test Site
Trade Test Site is an artistic research project initiated and run by visual artist Lise Skou, in which the notions of capital, labour and trade are investigated through a range of artistic methods, including moving images, text, performance, sound and relational spatial interventions. The artistic research process comprises a range of interlinked components - School for Self-Production, Trade Test Site Imprint and Shop and Café Moneyless - through which public engagement are established, and where interactions and public manifestations are developed. Trade Test Sit main interests are (in keywords):
Testings of models of sharing and production at a practical and theoretical level
Hidden economies
Post-work Society / Imagining Non-work society
Ways of working and living together
Imagined futures
The Imaginary Republic will concentrate on practices of “creative instituting”: how artists are spearheading new institutional structures and aesthetic formations that specifically work to claim a position of global citizenship? Participating artists will be invited to use the exhibition space and the context of the project to enact a form of citizenship that specifically brings into question the issue of borders. Through artist talks, presentations and exhibitions Sigrids Stue will address issues concerning co-creation, participation and involvement, identity creation, and urban development. Invited artists will present participatory projects realized with citizens of Gellerup, interventional projects in the local context, targeting issues on cultural memory/belonging and identity on individual and collective level.
Trade Test Site will contribute presenting projects focused on notions of capital, labour and trade investigated through a range of artistic methods, including moving images, text, performance, sound and relational spatial interventions. Activities organized in collaboration with CSMFoundation Centre for Contemporary Art, Kyiv will bring an introduction to the contemporary Ukrainian context and an analytical research on both Ukrainian and local context of Aarhus referring to public cultural memory in sphere/public space and also new political identities. Taking contemporary Ukraine as an example will help us get beyond our West centered point of view and to have an insight into the actual situation of Eastern Europe as to see how far we share the same fears and imaginations about the future.
If you want to read more about the different contributers then click the images below and they will redirect you to the respective homepages.
The official partners of this project are: Sigrids Stue (Aarhus); Trade Test Site (Aarh
us); 3/ The Imaginary Republic (Bergen Academy of Art and Design); Foundation Center for
Contemporary Arts (Kiev).
/Foundation Centre for Contemporary Art, Kyiv
СSM / Foundation Centre for Contemporary Art is a non-profit non-governmental organization that works in Kyiv since 2008 and promotes innovative artistic practices and responsible cultural criticism in Ukraine. CSM helps to create an environment in which culture is regarded as an important agent of change. CSM has three main focus areas: education, criticism, and artistic practices. CSM works with issues of art in public space, participatory art, public history and cultural memory, inclusion policy, democracy and civic participation through culture. CSM is a publisher of Korydor online magazine about contemporary culture that was launched in 2010 as a self-supported initiative of journalists and critics.
During six years of its independent existence
“Korydor”defends the importance of critical thinking and provides a platform for communication between different communities