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About rum46

What is rum46?

Members of rum46:

As an artist-curator run non-commercial art space rum46´s practice is based on collaboration, co-productions, exchange and international network.  Our curatorial line is today characterized by interaction in the social, political and cultural field. 


rum46 presents cross disciplinary and cross aesthetic projects which combine art with issues and actions related to current society and everyday life. rum46 also encompasses live performances, reading groups, screenings, smaller exhibitions, book editions and debates either as a host or a collaborator with artists, artist groups, curators, theoreticians and educational institutions. 


rum46 pracis is orientated both nationally and internationally. We work network based and collaborative and have close art professional collaborations. 


Current rum46 also host other self organized art projects. We work with guest curators, co-curating and co organizing. 


rum46 has existed as an artist run space since 1995 and been running by a diverse group of artist, art historians, curators




Selected long term projects: 

2017 - 2018 Room for Improved Futures  


2014 - 2017  LÆSERUM/ reading-room


2012 - 2012 rum46 outsourshed DK/Turkey   

2011, 2008  School For Non-productive Learning (Chicago / DK)   
2009-2010  Rhetoric and the Public   

2007-2008  WORKafFAIR  

2005-2006  Solidarity UNLIMITED?   
2003-2004  GÆSTEBUD-Feast/Hospitality

Grete Aagaard
visual artist

Barbara Katzin
visual artist

Dorte Pedersen
art historian

rum46 has existed as an artist run space since 1995. It has during the years and been running by a diverse group of artist, art historians and curators.


Since 2012, rum46 has been run by


Dorte Petersen, Barbara Katzin

and Grete Aagaard


Co-curator / co-organizer 2017-18: 

Room for Improved Futures -

Agnieszka Wolodzko 

Intern: Nanna Meyer

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