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About Room for Improved Futures

What is Room for Improved Futures?



Room for Improved Futures is the title of a two year exhibition program (2017 - 2018) based on an international network. The project is initiated by rum46 - curated and organized by curator Agnieszka Wolodzko and visual artist Grete Aagaard in collaboration with the art projects and platforms Trade Test Site, Sigrids Stue, Imaginary Republik and Foundation Centre for Contemporary Art Kiev*.


The project is structured in 4 public programs that run from January 2017 to the end of 2018;


jan - may    2017  Groundwork

june - dec  2017  Where we live? looking for safe ground  

jan - july     2018  How to make life livable? 

sept - dec  2018  Sites of becoming  


-  each divided in 3 sessions, which will include artist talks and presentations, exhibitions, lectures, text productions and workshops.


The sessions will be held in rum46 in Aarhus and will also serve as network meetings. Those artists who are invited to stay for short residencies will be accommodated at Sigrids Stue’s residence apartment in Gellerup/Aarhus.

Why do we need Room For Improved Futures?

The modern model of the society is no longer actual either in Western or in Eastern Europe.

Both on a social  and  economical  level,  we  experience  a  flux  of  values  and  rules.  In  the  West,  democracy  is seriously  threatened,  in  the  East  and  the  South  -  still  illusory. 


When  post-Soviet  countries  are struggling for new models of life and identity, the Western status quo is being challenged by waves of  migrants  from  Africa  and  Middle  East.  In  the  new  situation,  there  is  a  little  confidence  in  the present time, even less is known about the future that awaits us.


Where will we live? Who do we want to become?  Where  is  a  space  open  for  our  new  identities  formed  on  new  terms?  What  can  we  keep from our past identities and how to shape the new ones?

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